Kokum Sharbat (Juice)

Kokum Sharbat (Juice) is a refreshing and tangy Indian drink made from kokum fruit, which is native to the Western Ghats region of India. Kokum (scientific name: Garcinia indica) is a small, purple fruit that is typically dried and used in various culinary applications, especially in the coastal regions of India. It has a unique sour taste and is known for its cooling properties, making it perfect for summer beverages like sharbat.


– 15-20 dried kokum petals

– 4 cups water

– ½ cup sugar or as required

– 1 tsp roasted cumin powder

– Black salt to taste

– Ice cubes for serving

– Mint leaves for garnish (optional)


1. Preparing Kokum Extract:

   – Rinse the dried kokum petals under cold water to remove any impurities.

   – In a bowl, soak the kokum petals in 1 cup of water for about 2-3 hours or until they soften.

   – After soaking, transfer the soaked kokum petals along with the water into a blender.

   – Blend until you get a smooth paste-like consistency. If needed, add a little more water to aid in blending.

2. Straining Kokum Extract:

   – Place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl or jug.

   – Pour the blended kokum mixture through the strainer, pressing down with a spoon to extract as much liquid as possible.

   – Discard any solids left in the strainer. You should be left with a smooth kokum extract.

3. Preparing Kokum Sharbat:

   – In a large pitcher, combine the kokum extract, remaining water (3 cups), sugar, roasted cumin powder, and black salt.

   – Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

   – Taste the sharbat and adjust the sweetness and tanginess according to your preference by adding more sugar or kokum extract if needed.

4. Serving:

   – To serve, fill glasses with ice cubes.

   – Pour the prepared kokum sharbat into the glasses.

   – Garnish with fresh mint leaves if desired.

   – Serve chilled and enjoy the refreshing Kokum Sharbat!

Kokum holds significant importance in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine. Here are some key points about its significance:

1. Culinary Use: Kokum is used in various culinary preparations, including drinks, curries, chutneys (sauce), and pickles. Its sour flavor adds a tangy twist to dishes.

2. Digestive Aid: Kokum is known for its digestive properties. It is often consumed after meals to aid digestion and relieve acidity.

3. Cooling Agent: In Indian traditional medicine (Ayurveda), kokum is believed to have cooling properties, which makes it particularly popular during the hot summer months. Kokum sharbat and other kokum-based drinks are consumed to beat the heat and stay hydrated.

4. Health Benefits: Kokum is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, including vitamin C. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat various ailments in Ayurveda.

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